Web Design
Hand-painted art!
World's Oldest Living Boy Tells All!
Digital Tomfoolery!
Get in touch!
With a little digital wizardry, I can fly through time and space, and turn up anywhere in history or pop culture-- and I can do it for you, too. All I need is a decent photograph to work with; a clear, sharp, face-forward head shot is best. Having a few different angles or facial expressions to choose from is also very handy; it broadens the possibilities. Then it's simply a matter of cutting, pasting, digitally blending, tweaking and matching the overall look of the target photo as closely as possible. Here are a few examples!

Where (or who) do you want to be today?

Want to hang out with The Rat Pack?

How about taking a space walk?

A trip to New York? You can go anywhere.

To Oakland, to meet Hell's Angels?

Canada's nice, this time of year.

How about witnessing dramatic, historical events?

Any place you can imagine-- there you are!

A Burger King in Monaco, for example

You can meet today's celebrities...

... or mingle with yesterday's.

You can be as outrageous...

...or as mundane as you wish.

Go to Vegas and work with tigers!

Or tour with a musical group.

Become any pop icon, from ads...

... to blockbuster movies...

... to popular cartoon characters.

How about a complete makeover?

Yeah! That's more like it!


Well... maybe not.

Yes, it's possible to go too far.

But, you get the idea. Anything's possible!

Web Design
Hand-painted art!
World's Oldest Living Boy Tells All!
Digital Tomfoolery!
Get in touch!