At Let’s Practice, your dog is provided with supervised day care in a well-maintained, climate-controlled facility containing over 2,000 square feet. We have 4 play areas, and the dogs are placed in the area that is the most suitable for their sizes and personalities. We carefully introduce each new dog to its play environment in order to promote a positive experience. We provide two outdoor walks in the morning and one in the afternoon.

"I wish I had some friends to play
with, but they're all at Day Care!"
Reasons why the thoughtful person places their dog in day care:
- Dogs are social animals by their very nature, so it is of the utmost importance they have the opportunity to spend time with other dogs and learn the rules of proper play. Proper socialization contributes to fostering nonaggression.
- Deprived of social stimulation, both physical and emotional health are jeopardized. Studies establish that the brain of an animal not exposed to the complete range of the world’s sensory input is smaller than the brain of other animals.
- Lack of socialization leads to behaviors such as scratching, biting, chewing, and destruction of its environment (i.e., walls, floors, and furniture).
- It’s fun!
(Source: The Dog Whisperer by Paul Owens)
We also offer Play and Train during regular day care hours. Learn more here.
Click here to download our day care registration form.