FILM AT 11!"
a headline you'll never see or hear. Aside from Botulism, Mad Cow Disease,
E-coli outbreaks or outright poisoning, few people actually die
from eating. More people die from lack of food, or malnutrition,
than from dull cuisine. O.K.; there are food allergies, heart ailments
from excess cholesterol, and once in a while you hear about an unfortunate
choking victim-- blah, blah, blah. My point is that if you don't use
a bit of imagination to feed yourself both properly and with gusto,
your soul can starve, too.
saddest part is that this kind of starvation can happen without your
even noticing it. People tend to develop boring, middle-of-the-road
eating habits early on, and never acquire a taste for the new, the exotic,
or the exciting. New foods intimidate them; they're as scared of garlic
as vampires are. A fine Bordelaise sauce is beyond their comprehension;
if gravy doesn't come from a can, they're just confused. I don't suggest
that they should rush out and attend a culinary school, or quit their
jobs and watch The Food Channel all day long, but those of us who are
capable of appreciating the finer elements of haute cuisine ought
to feel some obligation to our less inspired brethren, shouldn't we?
If we don't educate them how will they catch sight of the wonders beyond
their narrow, fixed horizons?
at a website devoted to fine dining and good food; I don't need to preach
to the choir. If you've read this far, you must share my enthusiasm
for the subject. Or did you wander in from a stray link? Are you confused
because there are no naked, sweaty people to be seen here? All right
then; here's a treat for you: Some beefcake! Eat everything on your
plate, and you can bulk up and look this way, too. Even if you're currently
a woman. We're discussing fine food and hedonistic lifestyles here.
Sybarites only! Take a long look; enjoy it. You're welcome. Now go away.
is ordinary, eternal machinery-- like the grinding of the stars.
It's always there, waiting to be
acknowledged and, moreover, appeased. Ignore it at your peril. If you
nourish yourself with bland food, you run the risk of dulling the senses
and losing the ability to savor the rare and special delicacies the
world has to offer you. The slow death of dull familiarity and habit
can creep up on you, and one day you'll open a can of Beefy-os, or some
other nutriform, alimentoid substance, and actually (gasp!) smack
your lips! By then it's too late; you've damaged your appetite for
the finer things. You're doomed to a world of mechanical consumption.
You're in Junk Food Jail... Hang up your taste buds, sport. You're through.
is one of the five senses. It can wither and fade as surely as eyesight
unsupported by proper lenses or speech untutored by proper grammar.
Imagine a world populated by nothing but Mr. Magoos and Stanley Kowalskis...scary,
no? Would you wear mittens to try and feel the texture of fine silk?
Would you wear earmuffs to listen to a glorious Bach concert? No! But
you can hamper your sense of taste by eating dull meals. Treat
yourself to the best foods you can! A good diet doesn't mean you have
to deprive yourself of excitement. Why settle for the ordinary? Your
taste buds will accept a truly tremendous range of stimuli--
and they'll thank you for the exercise! Now, imagine a world filled
with Julia Childs and Craig Claibornes... O.K.; that's scary, too--
but you'd be able to get a damn fine meal just about anywhere!